This is the place where unexpected urban story about Rakia begins…
We are located in Dorćol, a mystical neighborhood in the city of Belgrade. Dorćol is the place where the first „kafana” and the first brewery in the city of Belgrade were opened.
People are asking how and why we decided to revive story about Serbian traditional drink in the heart of the city?
Actually, it all have started twelve years ago as a movie plot, with a dating couple sitting at a bar, and a casual question: “What do you love?” and a bit unusual answer: “Well, I love rakia…”

One emerging love revealed the other and caused the opening of the first bar dedicated to the Serbian traditional drink and the beginning of our own rakia production.
We are telling an old story, the story that everyone has already heard about, but in a different, new, modern – our own way. We are giving rakia the opportunity to achieve a well-deserved recognition, and to be enthroned as the perfect alcoholic beverage.
Rakia is sophisticated “hard drink”. It is exclusively made of the best quality fruits. It gives the feeling and sense of belonging to nature and preserves flavors that memories are made of.
For years, we have toured the whole world with rakia and we are still traveling. We have combined our traditional drink with some urban environments, new tastes, and world hospitality trends. We tasted and enjoyed the best world-class drinks. But we were missing the taste of the beginning – the taste of the city where the whole story started.
Finally, in the FIRST URBAN DISTILLERY in Belgrade, with all our experience, with a heart full of love and gratitude to the city of Belgrade, our neighborhood Dorćol and all the dear people involved in our journey, for being so inspiring, allowing our dream to flourish, we are sharing with you our products and the way we prepare them – here at Dorćol, in Žorža Klemansoa Street.